
I started this topic because some questions I asked and answers I got from cba33558 were getting lost in this rather extensive topic here:


We started this discussion on page 30 of that thread, and I thought I'd move it here so we can continue it (since no one took me up on my offer to start this thread). I'll cut and paste the three posts made after cba33558 posted a chart about eminiviper.com

From 6/8/09:

jimkane: Hey, cba. I checked out that EminiViper.com page. Very impressive. Seems like they don't have any losing days, or even losing trades (or do they not post those?). Is that so? If not, how many stop outs or false signals are you seeing on an average day? It doesn't mean much to me to see winners, I am more interested in the losers I have to take to get those winners. Also, are you the owner of EminiViper.com, or do you work for them? If not, what is your association? If I don't ask, that will likely be the first question from everyone else. Thanks.

cba33558: Hey Jim -

Thanks for visiting the Web site and offering your constructive questions and feedback...

The videos are intended to show the NQ Emini trades that are triggered by the system each day. Currently the system is designed to issue trade signals only the Nasdaq Emini. In addition to the Viper indicator, the system uses a combination of guidance charts and a trading chart that very rarely has a losing trade. With all of these constraints, it should be noted however, that there are not many signals that trigger in any given trading day. Depending on the volatility - usually one or two trades may trigger - a busy day would be 3 trades.

The entire trading system is not shown in the videos; however, all of the details regarding these trade signals are shown in an eBook and training videos. The actual trade signals themselves are analyzed in real-time in the live Webinars. The entire goal of this system was accuracy - not catching every trade.

In answer to your other question, I have been a trader for a little over 12 years now, I am a partner in the firm; and was involved extensively in developing, actively trading and back-testing the Viper system over the past year and a half.

Once again, thank you for your input, and I look forward to opportunity of respectfully participating in your Forum...

jimkane: Thanks for the response, cba. Wow, those are some incredibly impressive stats. Given these are intraday trend trades, it's almost incomprehensible to me. My style is intraday trend trading, and with the 3 to 5 to 1 or sometimes higher reward/risk profiles I'm happy anywhere in the 30% to 50% winners range.

I have a few more questions. Is there a way to follow along and see live trade signals the moment they develop, on a trial basis? The web site mentions visiting a live webinar for a day. Would one see live signals in time to act, or only after they have started? What if no signals are generated that day, can someone try another day? It's very hard to evaluate a system with a one-day trial, especially one that generates only a few signals.

Next, what is the difference between live webinars and live trading room, as far as signals given in real-time? Also, if one signs on to your room and gets all that training, does that do any good without the software? What is the cost of the license, since the website doesn't specify this? I'd love to follow along real-time for a period and evaluate your system, but I'm not sure you have any provisions where I could do that without laying out money first. Again, if I don't ask all these questions, someone else will. Since I'm probably the longest-winded character at this forum, I figured I'd just get the ball rolling. It's not often I hear about a system that has almost no losers at all.

Lastly, if we go much further with this discussion it may be appropriate to move it from this thread to one you or someone else could create in Trading Advisory Services.
Originally posted by thetaxman

The AutoTrader script, DiamondBack got hammered so badly on Thursday and Friday that Viper Systems has recommended not trading it this week until they re-script it.

A developer curve fitting his system is like watching a dog chasing his tail.

Just checked an old email box and man alive, it was filled with videos from the company that named itself after snakeoil--Viper.

After a cursory review of these videos, it struck me that not a single one mentioned a possible losing trade in hindsight. Same old modus operandi from those stooges. But I know they have many, many days in which they Viper triggers losers because the emails are cherry picked for good days. So, instead of sending videos on a daily, journal type basis to show how Viper HYPOTHETICALLY could make money, slimey Mr. Boyle only sends emails when the days are good to make you think Viper is the Holy Grail.

And, in typical Viper fashion, there were no real time trades taken by Mr. Boyle or his sidekick who wrote multiple referrals under various aliases, Mr. Donatoo.

Also haven't seen anything new with the auto-trade system so if any of you have info, please post it here.
Time to ask Grandma to give your inheritance now rather than later so you can become a gazaillionaire with the latest from the Siegried and Roy of trading.


Gotta love these 2 guys and their generosity to help mankind. Mother Theresa is jealous in her grave of such philanthropy.
Happy Thanskgiving to all! And indeed we have much to be thankful for, like great forums such as this one that truly has traders' best interest in mind.

Naturally, I've been thinking about turkeys, so Charles and Gary come to mind. It's been some time since I visited this thread and I've been a bit delinquent in getting back to those who asked about the Viper setup, so here it is with a new indicator--Sharkband2--to help you easily identify the breakout.

You can get these indicators from NT directly or Big Mike's Trading forum. Until NT7 is released you will be required to use two charts--one for entry and the other for guidance. A good rule of thumb for guidance rangeframe is 50% more than entry.

Goodluck to all of you and enjoy your free VIPER.


can you post the indicators and template for Viper Free here, I couldn't find it in NT and BMT Forum.
can you post the indicators and template for Viper Free here, I couldn't find them in NT and BMT Forum.
Here are the [NinjaTrader] indicators I use to emulate the Viper Trading Systems' indicators. Also, I've included templates for the Trade and Trend charts.

The viper colors are almost exact, and the paint bars are close enough to still use their "rules", being as vague as they are...

Import the _Lin_Reg_Color_Paint_v01.zip and SessionPivots_V2.zip NinjaScript files. Do not unzip these files.

Unzip the UnViper templates.zip and move the UnViper Trade.xml and UnViper Trend.xml to your \NinjaTrader 6.5\templates\Chart folder

Open two new charts and load the UnViper Trade on one and UnViper Trend on the other. These templates will have all the correct settings.

The only thing not included is the Un-VTI3. This Viper indicator is useless anyway so I didn't bother to try to figure it out.

Click link to access uploaded file:

Click link to access uploaded file:

Click link to access uploaded file:
UnViper templates.zip
Tom, my understanding is the LinReg settings for both charts is 10, 50, 21. I could be mistaken; however, the lag on a 34 Period setting seems awfully extreme as I compare with the official Viper.

And it doesn't matter what number is used for Angle 2 because only two colors are used in this configuration.

I don't want to zip my NT files, so anyone who wants my template and indicators should email me.
Originally posted by phantasmagoria

Tom, my understanding is the LinReg settings for both charts is 10, 50, 21. I could be mistaken; however, the lag on a 34 Period setting seems awfully extreme as I compare with the official Viper.

And it doesn't matter what number is used for Angle 2 because only two colors are used in this configuration.

I don't want to zip my NT files, so anyone who wants my template and indicators should email me.


In the earlier Viper scripts you could change the settings, and the defaults were 10,30,21. The newer scripts hardcoded the settings.

Just curious: why do you not like to zip your NT files?

Tom, I'm lazy that's why.

I tried to upload/attach my NT files, but the they are in not in acceptable format.

Using the Viper "rules," I think the results will be better if one uses a 21 period for the trade chart.
Sorry this reply is 2-years late but I just joined the forum.

I know from personal experience that GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar default to showing all users and all comments unless specifically disabled by the Host.

If they're saying what was reported that's a blatant lie.