ES 9-27-22

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In a generally negative macro economic environment like we're currently experiencing do you tend to favor short trades over long trades?
not really but only because im so short term orientated..I usually buy or sell little 10-20point reactions . Only occasionally hitting a home run for a lot more. The wisest course of action would of course be to sell more.
My cycles say intra day this down draft should bottom between now and 10-15 mins
The xix is spiking to 33.. historically big bottoms occur around 36!
Ticks are still below zero but have recovered nicely.Fwiw the avg daily range is 98 and the high was 3733...Do the maff!
Ticks are still hang negative but in the same area while the es keeps going lower.That is a very positive divergence.
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short term 5 min