ES 1-9-09

GM Traders
1 off 94.25
out at 893.75,plus 3 on that half..up 13 now and waiting for 897.50!
thats our first higher swing high since about we need to close it

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Brag post of the day: I haven't lost any money!.
and lets give a hand to the ol' 78.6 who saved us down there
Pt ? did you see this....? if you have a chance...I know why I was/am monitoring the 90 area but always curious what the rest of the gang see..
Originally posted by BruceM

please expand on that when you have time PT
Originally posted by pt_emini

they have setup this 890 level

2:27 mini peak....
Originally posted by Maria

Brag post of the day: I haven't lost any money!.

...ROFL! That puts you in the top10% of traders, Maria!
Originally posted by Maria

Brag post of the day: I haven't lost any money!.

me either, koolio loaned his winning scratch off to me
Originally posted by vast524

Prestwick. Are you just reading this by the Dome and the T&S chart?

The singles were from the pit session TPOs. The read on big money net position is from a BAV chart.