ES 1-9-09

GM Traders
true that P.T.!!!
britney Spears time!!! back in 10 min!...standing order to sell 897.50
Yes Kool. I saw the chart. Thanks. Slow to answer today. Not trading just observing and away from screen from time to time.
ok pal... see ya in a few!
new rotation, they are making a run for the value area...
898.50 is my short order
the 17711 just triggered a abc

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crude is recovering
that last chart is a case where I would not put on a long...not because it has less odds of being a success, but because the entry would be 905 and the stop would be 89.25...1st target is 98.75 - it just doesnt have the right r/r
here would be much better spot because now your risking around 3 to make 6
Originally posted by vast524

Prestwick. Are you just reading this by the Dome and the T&S chart?

The singles were from the pit session TPOs. The read on big money net position is from a BAV chart.