ES 11-12-08

margie...go look at the beautiful ABC that played (playing) out from globex
1st ABC hit 870...2nd 867.50...3rd 864.25
I have a proj. to 838.50 LOL...so9 @ 838
you never know red!
I try and keep my bias out of it as much as possible and let the charts tell me
as tough as S1 was to crack youd think it should have a heck of a time getting back up past it
I moved this post over here in hopes that I might get a reply, sorry for the double post!

I know this is a “wide ranging” question, but could you guy’s maybe explain you method of projections or send me to a thread that could help follow your post?

Thx for your help!
Originally posted by VOwater

I try and keep my bias out of it as much as possible and let the charts tell me

agree VO....
Cjo...for time & price projections go to Trade2Win/forums/tech anal./price & volume and look for threads by KOOLBLUE.
Thx VO!!
-50% IB of 867 was passed. -100% IB is 860.75. there are singles 834.0-843.5 and 843.5-846.0 plus sq 9s 827, 841 and 856 after 871

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Time will tell