Forum Markup FAQ
This is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for using the forum part of our site. Some of the topics on this page, however, also apply to other parts of the site. The comments about which special markup your can enter in most text entry areas on the site is covered in here. For example, you can use the forum markup code described below to format a private message.
FAQ Table of Contents
- Do I have to register?
- How can I use smilies and images?
- Can I add a hyperlink to my messages?
- Can I change the format of my text?
- What are Moderators?
- Are cookies used?
- What are active topics?
- Can I edit my own posts?
- Can I attach files?
- Can I search?
- Can I edit my profile?
- Can I attach my own signature to my posts?
- Are there any censor features?
- What do I do if I forget my Password?
- Can I be notified by e-mail when there are new posts?
- What does it mean if a forum has Moderation enabled?
- What is COPPA?
- Can't find your answer here? Send us an e-mail.
You can easily add a hyperlink to your message.
All that you need to do is type the URL (, and it will automatically be converted to a URL (
The trick here is to make sure you prefix your URL with the http:// or https://
If you use this tag: [url="linkto"]description[/url] you can add a description to the link.
This Example:You can make clickable images by combining the [url="linkto"]description[/url] and [img]image_url[/img] tags
Take me to [url=""]Day Trading Forum[/url]
Outputs This:
Take me to Day Trading Forum
This Example:
Outputs This:
There are several Forum Codes you may use to change the appearance of your text. Following is the list of codes currently available:
Bold: Enclose your text with [b] and [/b]. Example: This is [b]bold[/b] text. = This is bold text.
Italic: Enclose your text with [i] and [/i]. Example: This is [i]italic[/i] text. = This is italic text.
Underline: Enclose your text with [u] and [/u]. Example: This is [u]underline[/u] text. = This is underline text.
Aligning Text Left: Enclose your text with [left] and [/left]
Aligning Text Center: Enclose your text with [center] and [/center]
Aligning Text Right: Enclose your text with [right] and [/right]
Striking Text: Enclose your text with [s] and [/s]
Example: [s]mistake[/s] =mistakeHorizontal Rule: Place a horizontal line in your post with [hr]
Example: [hr] =
Font Colors:
Enclose your text with [fontcolor] and [/fontcolor]
Example: [red]Text[/red] = Text
Example: [blue]Text[/blue] = Text
Example: [pink]Text[/pink] = Text
Example: [brown]Text[/brown] = Text
Example: [black]Text[/black] = Text
Example: [orange]Text[/orange] = Text
Example: [violet]Text[/violet] = Text
Example: [yellow]Text[/yellow] = Text
Example: [green]Text[/green] = Text
Example: [white]Text[/white] = Text
Example: [purple]Text[/purple] = Text
Headings: Enclose your text with [hnumber] and [/hn]
Example: [h1]Text[/h1] = Text
Example: [h2]Text[/h2] = Text
Example: [h3]Text[/h3] = Text
Example: [h4]Text[/h4] = Text
Font Sizes:Example: [size=1]Text[/size=1]
Example: [size=2]Text[/size=2]
Example: [size=3]Text[/size=3]
Example: [size=4]Text[/size=4]
Example: [size=5]Text[/size=5]
Example: [size=6]Text[/size=6]
Bulleted List: [list] and [/list], and items in list with [*] and [/*].Ordered Number List: [list=1] and [/list=1], and items in list with [*] and [/*].
Code: Enclose your text with [code] and [/code].
Quote: Enclose your text with [quote] and [/quote].
Images: Enclose the address with the following tags:
[img] and [/img]
Active Topics are tracked by cookies. When you click on the "active topics" link, a page is generated listing all topics that have been posted since your last visit to these forums (or approximately 20 minutes).
You may edit or delete your own posts for a short while after making them. Just go to the topic where the post to be edited or deleted is located and you will see an edit or delete link. Click on this link to edit or delete the post. No one else can edit your post, except for the forum Moderator or the forum Administrator. Note that on some forums the delete function has been disabled.
Files can be uploaded by clicking the green Upload accordion bar below the post that you are making. You can also attach previously uploaded files by clicking the green Attach accordion bar. This will expand and show a list of files that you have already uploaded. The file types that can be uploaded are: .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .zip, .pdf, .doc, .swf, .fla, .txt, .rar, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xps, .efs
You may search for specific posts based on a word or words found in the posts, user name, date, and particular forum(s). Simply click on the "search" link at the top of all forum pages.
You can change any information stored in your registration profile by using the "profile" link located near the top right of each page. You must be logged in to be able to see this link. You may edit any information (except your Username). If you change your email address you will need to confirm it from the email you receive.
You may attach signatures to the end of your posts when you post either a New Topic or Reply. Your signature is editable by clicking on "profile" at the top of any forum page and entering your Username and Password.
NOTE: HTML can't be used in Signatures. Also note that signatures will only appear in the Classic View which is rarely used by anyone. The default view is the Flow View which does not show the signature.
The Forum does censor certain words that may be posted; however, this censoring is not an exact science, and is being done based on the words that are being screened, so certain words may be censored out of context. By default, words that are censored are replaced with asterisks.
Changing a lost password is simple. Enter your email address on the password reset page and we will email you a new password. Because of the Encryption that we use for your password, we cannot tell you what your password is.
- Board Wide SubscriptionTo Subscribe or Unsubscribe from any level of subscription, you can use the Subscriptions section on your Profile page. Or you can click on the subscribe/unsubscribe icons ( ) for that Category/Forum/topic you want to subscribe/unsubscribe to/from. Each email will have a quick unsubscribe link at the bottom allowing you to one-click unsubscribe from the whole board or from the specific type of subscription you received.
If you can subscribe to an entire Board, you'll get a notification for any posts made within all the forums inside that board.
- Category Wide Subscription
You can subscribe to an entire Category, which will notify you if there was any posts made within any topic, within any forum, within that Category.
- Forum Wide Subscription
If you don't want to subscribe to an entire Category, you can subscribe to a single forum. This will notify you of any posts made within any topic, within that forum.
- Topic Wide Subscription
More conveniently, you can subscribe to just an individual topic. You will be notified of any post made within that topic.
The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act and Rule apply to individually identifiable information about a child that is collected online, such as full name, home address, e-mail address, telephone number or any other information that would allow someone to identify or contact the child. The Act and Rule also cover other types of information -- for example, hobbies, interests and information collected through cookies or other types of tracking mechanisms -- when they are tied to individually identifiable information.
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