CME Swiss Franc Future September 2023
Trading Metrics calculated at close of trading on 11-Apr-2023 |
Day Change Summary |
Previous |
Current |
10-Apr-2023 |
11-Apr-2023 |
Change |
Change % |
Previous Week |
Open |
1.1175 |
1.1241 |
0.0066 |
0.6% |
1.1145 |
High |
1.1183 |
1.1260 |
0.0078 |
0.7% |
1.1280 |
Low |
1.1175 |
1.1241 |
0.0066 |
0.6% |
1.1140 |
Close |
1.1183 |
1.1259 |
0.0077 |
0.7% |
1.1251 |
Range |
0.0008 |
0.0019 |
0.0012 |
153.3% |
0.0140 |
0.0070 |
0.0070 |
0.0001 |
0.8% |
0.0000 |
Volume |
1 |
3 |
2 |
200.0% |
49 |
Daily Pivots for day following 11-Apr-2023 |
Classic |
Woodie |
Camarilla |
DeMark |
R4 |
1.1310 |
1.1304 |
1.1269 |
R3 |
1.1291 |
1.1285 |
1.1264 |
R2 |
1.1272 |
1.1272 |
1.1262 |
R1 |
1.1266 |
1.1266 |
1.1261 |
1.1269 |
PP |
1.1253 |
1.1253 |
1.1253 |
1.1255 |
S1 |
1.1247 |
1.1247 |
1.1257 |
1.1250 |
S2 |
1.1234 |
1.1234 |
1.1256 |
S3 |
1.1215 |
1.1228 |
1.1254 |
S4 |
1.1196 |
1.1209 |
1.1249 |
Weekly Pivots for week ending 07-Apr-2023 |
Classic |
Woodie |
Camarilla |
DeMark |
R4 |
1.1644 |
1.1587 |
1.1328 |
R3 |
1.1504 |
1.1447 |
1.1290 |
R2 |
1.1364 |
1.1364 |
1.1277 |
R1 |
1.1307 |
1.1307 |
1.1264 |
1.1336 |
PP |
1.1224 |
1.1224 |
1.1224 |
1.1238 |
S1 |
1.1167 |
1.1167 |
1.1238 |
1.1196 |
S2 |
1.1084 |
1.1084 |
1.1225 |
S3 |
1.0944 |
1.1027 |
1.1213 |
S4 |
1.0804 |
1.0887 |
1.1174 |
Fibonacci Retracements and Extensions |
4.250 |
1.1341 |
2.618 |
1.1310 |
1.618 |
1.1291 |
1.000 |
1.1279 |
0.618 |
1.1272 |
1.1260 |
0.618 |
1.1253 |
0.500 |
1.1251 |
0.382 |
1.1248 |
1.1241 |
0.618 |
1.1229 |
1.000 |
1.1222 |
1.618 |
1.1210 |
2.618 |
1.1191 |
4.250 |
1.1160 |
Fisher Pivots for day following 11-Apr-2023 |
Pivot |
1 day |
3 day |
R1 |
1.1256 |
1.1245 |
PP |
1.1253 |
1.1231 |
S1 |
1.1251 |
1.1218 |