GME GameStop Corp (NYSE)

I'm sure that anybody reading this is familiar with the story over the last few weeks about the WallStreetBets Reddit that's driving the price of Game Stop.

I just wanted to capture some charts at this point in time to show what was happening and what everyone was seeing. In the future, when we reread this and we see what finally happen it will be easy to say "Yes of course that would have happened - anybody could have seen that." In reality it's impossible to know and this is a good snapshot of what it looked like today.

1-day and 1-month charts from Yahoo Finance and also the MyPivots Daily Notes for GME GameStop

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mypivots dailynotes stock gme gamestop corp nyse 2021 01 28

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gamestop 5d 2021 01 28

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gamestop 1m 2021 01 28
15 days later.

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screenshot from 2021 02 12 06 07 36

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screencapture mypivots dailynotes stock gme gamestop corp nyse 2021 02 12 06094