Using Volatility in Short Term Trading

Using Volatility in Short Term Trading
Live event: April 24 @ 3:30 pm Chicago / 4:30 pm Eastern.
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Join 19 year trading veteran Scott Hoffman as he discusses how you can use volatility to uncover tradeable short term patterns in the futures markets. Learn how you can use these short term closing patterns to identify periods of volatility expansion or contraction. Then, discover how intraday support and resistance points may be used for accurate entry, risk management, and exits in the CBOT futures markets. Sponsored by Daniels Trading.

About the Speaker
Scott Hoffman is a broker with Daniels trading, and has been a futures professional for 19 years. He graduated from The University of Chicago with a degree in economics and started on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in 1986. Scott is the publisher of Volatility Dynamics, an advisory service that highlights short term trading opportunities and tendencies.