ES 4-3-18

for me it's 2595 - 2596 , 2591 then 2583 -2585.....that is key volume for me today I think the 90 should be tested in day session
It's always fascinating what happens with are the additional nodes up top that were mentioned yesterday........."besides the ones mentioned above in last post the other volume areas that are above the market for me are 2608 - 2610 and 2616...that should be enough for now....bulls would have lots of work to do to take those area back today"

I didn't trade them but just showing how interesting they can be....I think sometimes they are difficult to spot ESPECIALLY when you have two or three volume bars in a row.....I was surprised at the drop from 2606 this morning as I had spotted 2608 - It's not perfect and can be subjective sometimes