ES Friday 3-27-15

Happy Friday! Bands for the day and good luck to all.

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Yes indeed, breaking 47 was a good spot to hop on short as it broke the pullback low. The long is over...for now.
Originally posted by NewKid

obviously that is what happened when you dont get falls like a rock

Originally posted by NewKid

missed entry and now the fade is lost from VAH.... not using that anymore

I'm done but would take 46 short, try for O/N lows
the VPOC for the day is sitting at 49 right in middle of the range so it keeps acting as a magnet.....
the current low goes with the O/N swing low at 43.75
having a good ol' chop fest here...
garbage fest
i will short 56.25 reason is rat,plus 10.and line on chart
cancel order going to try my luck at the crap table. everyone have good weekend