ES Monday 3-2-2015

Bands for the day. Good luck to all.

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ok thanks for the video
I wanted to make sure it was from today
hindsight being what it is, we opened outside Friday's VA, tested a little below, entered Friday's VA, waffled around the VAL and then continued the climb up towards Friday's VAH. There were neon signs all over saying buy, buy, that we are going to at least last week's POC and VPOC but this guy chose to ignore. Lesson learned
i was waiting for a retest of 2100 to buy and obviously that did not happen in RTH. Just before the open, where Bruce got in, was the optimal point. That is the risk of not trading O/N. Maybe I should revisit that and put some caveats around it but have to be very careful
Ditto...I had 2100 on my mind all weekend...and stayed away when it pre 9:30...went to half back of O/N , got short and got burned twice...nice day to turn on the "live" switch (shakes fist at market..then at self)
i hear you. in hindsight i see my folly but the only way to learn is from live trading. here is hoping we learn from it!
I think they need to go get that 06 long as 09.50 - 10.50 can hold as resistance then that is the path......not trading it though...perhaps I should get short now