ES Tuesday 1-13-15

Good morning to all. Here are today's bands.
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My picture for the day
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here's how I have it....didn't think u were here yet today new kid so I posted bands in video .....but here are my lines and some video banter
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video banter.....key areas 35 - 36 and 40 above then 44 - 45...I'd like to see 31 as a magnet in early trade so prefer sellls

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yeah, i was busy with my daughter last night and this morning so could not get around to preparing much ahead of time. thanks for the video as always
odds favor at LEAST a retest of 36 now that they are trying to form O/N single there..starting very small shorts at 38.25...but I like 40 much better in rth...On is dangerous and always will be to me
yeah i am getting burned again by O/N. As much as I try to stay away from it, I get suckered in...
it will be interesting to see how they move from zone to zone today...we only have three key areas up here...the 35 - 36, the 40 and the 44 - 45....
yesterday's pivot was 42.42 call it 42.50, I am interested to see PA at this price...
one thing I have t point out is that when the european markets are strongly higher (up over 1%) at our open, it is usually a squeeze in the US...
took loser of On at one minute high...starting rth shorts at 44
the first 1 min bar was an up bar after a gap up.... that usually does not bode well for shorts..
an obvious blow through of the 40 greenie...seems like a long way off......but odds do favor a retest....i also have a greenie at 49.25.....!!
cool...I got back just in time to see the greenie at 2003.50 from 1- 6 I am all smiles now