ES Wednesday 10-12-11

Below you will see a 10 minutes all sessions "before the fact chart" with the pivots set-up for today's session. The chart is self explanatory.

Will see what the market has for us, and as always, the market has the last word and in due time will show us the way.

I see for you the same I see for my self: Having the best of luck and fun, awesome profitable trading day!

Click image for original size
sp 500 es 10 minute before the fact chart with pivot set up for 101211
Low volume created today through our old low test for failure outside the hour highs to go get that air or at least the 04 - 06 test again..gotta take these trades.
if nobody took that they I am not getting though here......
Thanks Bruce I am learning
I did, thanks for a primer earlier to day, Bruce
Please tell me you meant the gap fill?
I did but got in late
took it Bruce thanks
i got it bruce but mess it up..still made money tho..lisa thanks for that 120875 number too..

take care
that 04 today wasnt hit yet LV almost 2205 contracts
Originally posted by BruceM

Low volume created today through our old low test for failure outside the hour highs to go get that air or at least the 04 - 06 test again..gotta take these trades.

Bruce, what do you mean by the "...old low volume...", please? Today's or previous days (9/20)?
Something very important I left out:
In the "after the fact chart", notice how the E.W. (Elliot wave) unfolds right with the pivots. Some times the pivots are amazing!!

Originally posted by sandoxe

Below is the follow up chart for the "before the fact chart" posted this morning at 01:25. THe chart is self explanatory.

Click image for original size
sp 500 es 10 minute pivots set up follow up chart and after the fact for 10121

Originally posted by sandoxe

Below you will see a 10 minutes all sessions "before the fact chart" with the pivots set-up for today's session. The chart is self explanatory.

Will see what the market has for us, and as always, the market has the last word and in due time will show us the way.

I see for you the same I see for my self: Having the best of luck and fun, awesome profitable trading day!

Click image for original size
sp 500 es 10 minute before the fact chart with pivot set up for 101211