ES Mon 9-12-11

This is the ES market action from Friday showing Market Profile single prints.

1. A single print was created in the G bracket at 1158.25. This did not fill and is a valid short price for Monday.

2. The Q bracket single print from 9/6 at 1157.50 filled and triggered a long which would have been stopped out for a 4 point loss.

3. A single print was created in the H bracket at 1153.75 which later triggered a short at this price. The draw down on this short was 1.25 points to 1155 even and the best run-up for profits was the low of the day at 1141 even for a max possible profit of 12.75 points.

As always I request that you keep me honest (i.e. point out any mistakes that I may have made). Is this a reasonable summary of the day from a Market Profile single print point of view?

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ES 9 September 2011
WOW! CDS market pricing in near 100 percent chance of Greek default. Euro union is going to get a lot smaller, maybe this week. Hope things don't go hyperbolic.
First volume

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2011 09 121042

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2011 09 121123
Mr. BigWig exited 1139.50 short at 1139.75. Long is in play at 1140.75 - see charts above
also above vwap i have vwap at 40.25
Della, my RTH VWAP=1140
IF VWAP holds, Low Volume node is at 1146.50

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2011 09 121135
ES 1141 = $SPX=1150 (a significant level)

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2011 09 121240
Is anyone there? Should I post?
see what i missed