2 Mar, YMH2, (3, -1) formula satisfied by Stretch application

YMH1: high, 12105, contained by the pivot point, 12111. The early A session low printed three points below the first low, i.e., 11980. 11977, rallied nearly three Stretch (31,...only 31 pts because 1 March was very weak).

Unchanged, 12022 - 45 = low, 11977
12022 - 31 = 11991 (14 pts above low)
11991 + 31 + 31 + 31 = 12084 (high: 12105 is 21 pts below the high.)

11977 + 4.25% of the 2 March Stretch = 12108. (2 March high = 12105).

(Note: the +4.25% of the 2 March Stretch was followed by a correction approximating 2.618% of the Stretch, and a bounce approximatimating +2.168% and a -1.618% going into the close.

Low: 11977 + 128= 12105 (high: 12105).
Low: 11977 + 4.25%X = 12108, reversed lower 2.618%X (12105-97 pts = 12008), reversed up 85 pts to 12093, (12008 +2.618%X = 12089) and drifted down 1.618%X (12093 - 55 pts to 12038 and settled at 12044. 1.618%X - 50 = 12043. +4.25, -2.618, +2.618, -1.618.