Chart Background Color

After Paul9 made a comment about the background color of his charts in his reply to Structure Wolf Waves I thought I'd start a topic about the background color of charts.

I select black as the background color for my charts. This is what I now have:

Click image for original size
ES chart for 22 October 2010 with a black background.

This is what I used to have:

Click image for original size
ES chart for 22 October 2010 with a white background.

The reason that I choose a black background is because I feel that it is less strain on the eyes. If you're looking at a computer screen all day and sometimes all night you want as little light reflecting back into your eyes as possible. In my personal opinion I don't think that the light harms your eyes but I do think that it fatigues you and you want to be as alert as possible at all times.

This is all fine and good until you want to print the chart. If you are always printing charts and looking at them on paper then you will want a white background to your charts. It will use less ink, be easier to read and save the environment and your pocket a little.

What background color are your charts and why?
I need to print my charts.

besides comment from WW topic,
I also use slightly tinged backgrounds for charts I run diagnostics on so when I am gearing up (running a program that pulls data and prints to a file), I can page through charts in a hurry until I come to the chart with a slightly tinged background, then I can run my program.

and dt, if you darkened the color of the bars in the white background chart it would be easy to see.

I'll be curious to see how many replies this thread gets, after all, you either use black background or you use white background.
Originally posted by PAUL9

I'll be curious to see how many replies this thread gets, after all, you either use black background or you use white background.

You would think it would be black or white but I've seen plenty of charts out there with some "interesting" background colors. I think that most of that is "because you can."
I change my background if I am printing the chart, otherwise
I leave it black...also I make sure there is no light reflecting
on my screens

Click image for original size
black background could lead to depression or anxiety - different traders react differently - trading is already stressful why add to the mix?

research (google) how colors react to the human brain - you'll be surprised
A Gainsboro colored backround can be easy on the eyes.

Click image for original size
Gainsboro Color
This is Woodie's background color, easy on my eyes, but I can't reproduce it on Ninja....
Click image for original size
By the way, this is from PFB Protrader, it can be unstable.