ES 12-11-09

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now u saw the projection was (1.618) 1100.00 and BINGO! and look at the reaction ... will it go higher ? who knows but the 5 min stoch's are (i use 3,3,5.. not the standard 14-3-3) getting thats why i jumped .. also common sense! im expecting a decent low today, rememember? i know if we continue down ,ill be a buyer at that 1091.50 level(if im still awake!) havent been to bed yet@
it takes practice ,guys. and i dont always win! no one does .. usually because of the trade execution. like i should have jumped out at that 1105 level on my first trade, remember? but the more you practice the better youll get! just dont get too greedy! projections can always miss by one or two ticks
Well, im exhausted. hope everyone learned a little bit today.. its been a while since ive given such a detailed explanation of my methods in a realtime trade! Hard to do! im up 3.25 on the day, thats just over what i make in a day on my nightshift job!!! But its not the money, for me anyways. Its the sheer joy of trading. I love what i do , and i dont know how much longer i'll keep the posting ,but i'll never quit trading. Hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend...see ya soon!
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Thanks for the lessons kool
