Installing support DLL on Windows 7

If you are installing the support DLL for the indicators from the downloads page you will also need to run the install (unzip) program as Administrator on Windows 7. This is the same procedure that you would use on Vista.

The support DLL is downloaded from this link.

If you downloaded it on Firefox then a Downloads window should appear and list deltat1.exe as the last download.
Right click on this item and select Open Containing Folder.
Now run the installer (below)...

Internet Explorer
If you download with Internet Explorer (IE) you will be given the option to Run or Save the file. Select Save.
Once the save is complete the Download complete dialog box should have an Open Folder button. Click this button.
Now run the installer (below)...

Run the installer
Now find deltat1.exe (it might also just be listed as deltat1) and right click on it and select Run as administrator.
Click Yes on the next dialog and then Unzip on the one that follows.
thanks for the tip!