Three Month Review

i've been promising it for a while and i just keep forgetting about it, so here it is.

about three months ago, i decided to enroll in DLC Profile's Continuous Learning / Cognitive Education Series. as a practitioner of Market Profile, i figured i couldn't find a better educational opportunity than working with Jim Dalton. two months ago i didn't realize how much work i had ahead of me, nor did i realize i had such a myopic market understanding. and i've still got more work to do.

so what's my take on the course after three months? excellent. i'm pleased on all levels. material, method, availability, timeliness, applicability, and value.

Though purchased separately from the course, MoM and MiP are very central to the course. additional written material is provided upon enrollment, and Jim also sends out the weekly Index Insights. there are also two Market Commentaries that go out each month. that's a lot of material for a single course, and since portions of it are written on a weekly basis, it's always being updated to reflect current market conditions. it's basically like a living textbook.

the easy way into this is to ask 'Does it work?' and i could easily whip out a quick 'yes'. but when i think about Method, i'm not just talking about trading methodology; i'm talking about teaching/training methodology. Jim is not selling a red light/green light trade calling course. it is more accurate to say that Jim sells and teaches a course in market, trading, and self understanding. with that type of accomplishment, a person can tailor the lessons and trading to suit his specific personality needs and tendencies. it is an intense method, it is throrough, and Jim never apologies for it requiring a lot of hard work.

besides email and telephone support, DLC also hosts webinars three times a month. these are interactive webinars, so students are encouraged to have questions ready, be prepared to think about the answers, and take notes throughout the webinars.

definitely on time. as i mentioned, every week Jim writes a new Index Insight. in it, he discusses the previous week, what brought us to where we are, and looks ahead to the upcoming week. same goes for the webinars; all the lessons and topics come directly from current market activity across several markets.

yes. jim incorporates several markets in his examples and teachings, but even if you trade a market he doesn't cover, you should be able to apply the same principles. this isn't the case of having to view a certain market or only at a certain time or something like that.

This is where the rubber meets the road. is it worth the tuition? even with 9 months to go, if i stopped trading tomorrow, i could still say yes. if nothing else, i know i have stayed away from enough bad trades to more than offset the cost of enrollment. and the cost is basically 53 ES points, so it didn't take long to start seeing a return on my investment.

I couldn't be happier with how things have been going. Getting the chance to work and study directly from Jim Dalton is simply awesome. And Terry tirelessly works to make sure each individual student is creating his own optimal learning experience. What a great team effort. To me, this is like a graduate level program that doesn't take years and years to see results.

Everything is lining up for this month's Intensive and i can't wait to attend. i am ready to take copius notes
I don't know if anyone else from the forum is going, but i will be reporting my experiences upon my return.