ES 1-08-09

That's your 896 Kool!.
99.25 was 38.2, 900.25 is .50
s @ 98

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what happened to all the action
whoever is placing smaller quantity trades today is much more optimistic than big $. smalls are now a net +10k while bigs are a net -15k
If price can't get above 900 look for 891.
Added to the long at 897.00
this should go...need to take 95.75
That's it
Originally posted by pashalv

5 min. bar 10:25 [email protected] reached,
15 min. bar 8:45 [email protected] still valid

go where- we look sleepy :)
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or read page 33 of this thread for faster results
Originally posted by vast524

Were do I get one of those crystal balls from Bruce?