High Volume I'm using on 12-19

906 - 910

896 - 899 singles there too!

885 - 887

876 - 878

We still have the 71 - 73 zone leftover


8530 - 8560

8682 - 8705

8810 - 8830

Bravo, Bruce!
Hey thanks TEK.....that was an interesting finish today. Let me know if you have any questions on finding them on your own. With the holidays upon us and my wife due next month I'll be winding down on posting these levels soon. Fairly simple stuff to find after the market closes...look for the surges and bring in $tick extremes if you need help qualifying them.

The intraday ones that form are a bit more challenging. Lots of nice confluence happen at these levels.....the daytrader threads can get most on the right path with or without these levels.

Originally posted by tek

Bravo, Bruce!

Yes, I would like to learn on how to find those levels. If you can share it; please do. I always take down the numbers you post before my trading day starts.
...and congrats on your new arrival and Happy Holidays!!
Bruce are you familar with VSA (Volume Spread Analysis)? If so, would you mind sharing your thoughts.
I have the Williams PDF of his book but haven't gone through it yet. There's also a couple of threads on Traders Laboratory that discuss Volume Spreads. What I have actually read is the articles they had in S&C or FUTURES mag that came out when they started promoting their software. It is something that I would like to research a bit more when I have time.

Are you familiar with the work?

Originally posted by VOwater

Bruce are you familar with VSA (Volume Spread Analysis)? If so, would you mind sharing your thoughts.

I also have the PDF and have for sometime, but just recently (last night) started reading it. I have read enough that I will continue reading it - so far so good. I can't comment on their software as I know very little about it, but it does appear throughout the PDF so far. I'm going to try and get through it over the holidays and let you know what I think. Thanks for responding.