ES 12-15-08

GM Traders

Daily PP: 867
R1: 905
S1: 847.25

Monthly PP: 881
Weekly PP: 877.75
POC: 897.75

60m: 927.75 / 849
15m: 893.75 / 875.75
5m: 886.25 / 874.50

one little globex gap to fill @ 80.25

1 off 71...stop be
selling 872.50
Originally posted by VOwater

l @ 68.75

nice entry VO !

I was also hoping to get long on this low but missed the entry.
flat 71.75
Asking a lot from the system but 875.75 @ 12:25
order cancelled.. no fill! watching..expecting a mini peak around 12:22
well pt It should have gone with the break above 70 the first time
they hit me a million times but no fill...sheese!
if they cant get it here will look to sell
will for sure sell close under 70
see ya