ES 12-3-08
Daily PP: 837.50
S1: 824.50
R1: 862.25
Weekly PP: 858.50
POC: 834.25
Daily: 1128.50 / 732
60m: 874.75 / 824.50, 808
15m: 857.75 / 807.50, 805.75
5m: 825, 822.75, 816.25
S1: 824.50
R1: 862.25
Weekly PP: 858.50
POC: 834.25
Daily: 1128.50 / 732
60m: 874.75 / 824.50, 808
15m: 857.75 / 807.50, 805.75
5m: 825, 822.75, 816.25
oh ok jack give me a sec
Sorry for the bother. By the way qwhere do you live?
in that case you would use your tool "fibonacci price retracement lines" you would click on the H then the L and it will auto plot your retracement lines. in those numbers you can remove them all except for 261.8 if your wanting to use kools projections. this will give you the upside proj. you do the opposite to find the downside proj. ( click on L then H) it gives you kools proj's without having to use a calculator
There is somthing I don't understand. Do we use one or two bars for the projection?
Im in the show me state
I'm in southern Florida. I thought iuf you were close we could get together.
I had noticed that Kool is sometimes using one bar, high & low and other timed two bars to get the numbers
Originally posted by JackS65
I pretty much understyand the cycles its in the area of price proj I am having trouble. Sometimed you use one bar high & low & other two bars. Pls ex[plaun

IN summary the projection candle opens, pretty much goes straight up to the high then goes down to its close. it opens candle 2 same area, continues straight down to its low before it retraces 20% or so to its close.ALSO SEEN AT THE OPEN OF CANDLE 3
good trading today everyone
VOwater: thanks for the charts and helpful explanations
VOwater: thanks for the charts and helpful explanations
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