Does anyone know if it's possible to have the developing value areas and IB areas constantly updating on an e-signal candlestick chart using an efs file. I don't use market profile charts so I want to know the developing areas as they form.
Yes lazzie. There are 2 EFS indicators in the ToolPack called the DVATool and IBTool that do just that. The DVA in DVATool stands for Developing Value Area. It plots the DVA in real time on the candle/bar chart for you.
Need the basics of Point of Control, in relationship to high/low vlaue areas?
Thanks alot for that. Much appreciated
Originally posted by Stan1

Need the basics of Point of Control, in relationship to high/low vlaue areas?

If I understand you correctly then yes, it is all there. The DVATool plots the POC and the DPOC. Each of the lines of interest can be optionally turned on/off.