Weekly Pivots

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This may be a dumb question but, are the weekly pivots not calculated and posted over the weekend? The weekly pivots still say for week ending July 6th. Thanks.

It's not a dumb question as the title is slightly ambiguous. The title reads Weekly Pivots for week ending 06-Jul-2007 which means that the data that is used in the calculation of the pivots comes from the week ending 6 July 2007. Those levels are to be used in the week following which in this case starts today on 9 July 2007.

I'm trying to think how we can cram that information into that small space. We essentially want to say:
"Weekly Pivots calculated from data to week ending 6 July 2007 for use in week starting 9 July 2007"
You can compare that section of the Daily Notes on 2 different days:

Thursday last week shows the title Weekly Pivots for week ending 29-Jun-2007


Friday last week shows the title Weekly Pivots for week ending 06-Jul-2007

Each Friday, the week rolls forward by one week for figures for the next week.