Indicators - Lipstick and Skirt Length - a primer

Considering that it's Saturday, I thought that I would add something unusual to the mix of learning futures trading.

As a futures trader you need to keep your eye on the general economy and the easiest way to do this is through Economic Indicators.

There are a couple of unusual economic indicators out there. Do you know which of these two has proven to be reliable and which does not have any substance?
Lipstick Indicator and Skirt Length Indicator
I agree. Music is another indicator that follows economic and social trends.
I have never heard of music being an indicator. Are you talking about type of music or sales of music?
I refer to the type of music and more directly to the content of the music. Attached is a paper I wrote that explains it a little better.

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Interesting read, but remember, the skirt length indicator has no foundation so if you extrapolate that from you article where you said "consider some of the social factors we have, things such as music, entertainment, and fashion" then you could say that music has no foundation either.

If one were to attempt to measure this against the market and see if there's a correlation then you would probably have to count the types of music that people are listening to not producing. You could do this by measuring the number of listeners to different types of music stations. This measurement is now becoming easier with Internet based music which gives exact readings on who is listening to what.
Good points one and all. Thank you.