
Why is there so much of it here? What causes people to treat their brothers and sisters, who all have the same goal to succeed, like scum of the earth?

Isn't life too short? Ask yourself if any of this showboating and tearing each other up will mean anything in 5 or 10 years.

om mani padi om
Thanks for the comment mahavishnu. I agree that there is no need for the hostility.
Good comment maha - what does "om mani padi om" mean?
I too found it interesting to see allies become enemies, but don't have the answer for you yet.
Originally posted by moneytec

Good comment maha - what does "om mani padi om" mean?

It means Jewel In The Lotus. The true Tibetan spelling is om mane padme hum (I say it with a Midwest accent).

Peace & Compassion for all Sentient Beings
Nice sentiment!