Year End Summary 2006

2006 returns for some of the more popular traded symbols:

2005 2006 Return
Close Close %
NQ 1659.00 1775.00 7.0%
ES 1254.75 1428.50 13.8%
YM 10744 12539 16.7%
QM 61.04 61.05 0.0%
ZB 114-06 111-14 -2.4%

And some weekly charts showing these instruments over the year 2006 and including 2005 so that you can do a year on year comparison.

E-mini S&P500
Click image for original size
ES 2006 (and 2005) weekly chart at end of 2006.

E-mini Russell 2000
Click image for original size
ER2 weekly chart for 2005 and 2006 at end of 2006.

E-mini Nasdaq-100
Click image for original size
NQ weekly chart for 2005 and 2006 at end of 2006.

miNY Light Sweet Crude Oil
Click image for original size
QM (light sweet crude) weekly chart for 2005 and 2006 at end of 2006.

mini-Sized Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
Click image for original size
YM weekly chart for 2005 and 2006 at end of 2006.

30 Year U.S. Treasury Bonds Futures
Click image for original size
ZB weekly chart for 2005 and 2006 at end of 2006.